Sound Health

Dr. David Burns Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Apr 18, 2021


Dr. David D. Burns is an internationally renowned psychiatrist and adjunct professor emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine...

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Stressed or Anxious? Try H.A.L.T.I.

Apr 02, 2021

When in the midst of a high-stress, high-stakes mission, it’s crucial for Green Beret soldiers to maintain focus.

To do this, all Special Operations forces are trained to manipulate their nervous ...

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Panic Attack First-Aid — Video Tutorial Included

Jan 17, 2021

The first time I had one, I thought it was a heart attack. Luckily, I had my wife Tracey to talk me through it.

People in the throes of a panic attack often believe they’re suffering from a medical e...

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Silence social anxiety with this surprising diversion

Dec 28, 2020

No one likes to be judged.

But for some people, the fear of being judged in a social situation is downright debilitating. This is called social anxiety. 

Social anxiety affects approximately 15 mill...

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On Edge? Try These Anxiety "First-Aid" Remedies

Dec 06, 2020

If the intensity of the world has you feeling anxious—you’re not alone. Fear, uncertainty, and stress are completely normal reactions in the face of the urgent headlines we are bombarded with on a dai...

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The 24-Second Solution for Stopping a Panic Attack

Dec 05, 2020

If you’ve ever had a panic attack, you know just how terrifying they can be.

The first time I had one, my heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest. I actually thought I was dying.

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Three Simple Steps to a Calmer Quieter Mind

Nov 28, 2020

When’s the last time your mind felt at ease?

If it’s been a while, you’re not alone.

For a majority of people, their minds are rarely—if ever—calm and quiet.

And it’s no wonder. We’re in the midst ...

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