Sound Health

Repair these "energy leaks" leeching your vitality

Dec 14, 2020

Ask any Alaskan bear getting ready to hibernate and they’ll tell you that the secret to a successful winter is loading up on as much salmon as possible.

The bear instinctively knows not to wait until...

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On Edge? Try These Anxiety "First-Aid" Remedies

Dec 06, 2020

If the intensity of the world has you feeling anxious—you’re not alone. Fear, uncertainty, and stress are completely normal reactions in the face of the urgent headlines we are bombarded with on a dai...

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Three Simple Steps to a Calmer Quieter Mind

Nov 28, 2020

When’s the last time your mind felt at ease?

If it’s been a while, you’re not alone.

For a majority of people, their minds are rarely—if ever—calm and quiet.

And it’s no wonder. We’re in the midst ...

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