Sound Health

How Vibration ā€˜Clears the Pathā€™ To Better Memory

May 09, 2024

It was about this time two years ago when a really a strange thing happened to meā€¦

I was almost finished with my weekly Sunday trip to the grocery store.

And as I walked back to my car, full shoppin...

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The Ancient 12-Minute Technique That Can Halt Early Onset Alzheimerā€™s

Dec 01, 2023

Itā€™s no secret that our society is experiencing a growing epidemic of neurodegenerative diseases.

In fact, the Alzheimerā€™s Association estimates that one person develops the disease every 65 secon...

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How Stimulating The Vagus Nerve Can Protect Your Brain

Nov 12, 2023

As the years pass, you might be growing more and more concerned about declining brain function.

And with the dramatic rise of Alzheimerā€™s rates, itā€™s no wonderā€¦

According to theĀ Alzheimerā€™s Associat...

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Melodies & Memories: Music's Answer to Alzheimer's

Aug 14, 2023

Above: Jim Donovan Drumming with family and person with Alzheimer's

The Harmonious Benefits of Interactive Music Activities for Alzheimerā€™s and Dementia Patients

As we age, concerns about brain heal...

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Essential Oils and Memory Boost: Scent's Surprising Role in Boosting Memory

Aug 09, 2023

AĀ pleasing scent wafting through the rooms of older adults at night could hold the key to unlocking better memories, according to a recent study conducted by neuroscientists. The findings suggest that...

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Unlocking Better Memory: The Wonders of Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Aug 08, 2023

Imagine a world where we could enhance our memory and improve our overall health simply by stimulating a single nerve in our body. Sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, right? Well, it...

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Can You Become A Super-Ager?

May 31, 2022

Is 100 really the new 70?

For a ā€œcognitive super-agerā€ the answer is yes.

The term super-ager is used to describe a person nearing the end of the human lifespan with the mental abilities of a person...

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