Sound Health

How Vibration ‘Clears the Path’ To Better Memory

May 09, 2024

It was about this time two years ago when a really a strange thing happened to me…

I was almost finished with my weekly Sunday trip to the grocery store.

And as I walked back to my car, full shoppin...

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Here's How to Clear Brain Fog and Energize Your Mind

Oct 17, 2023

We've all been there…

You walk into a room only to forget what you needed…or maybe you find yourself a few pages into a book and realize you absorbed very little of what you just read.

It's complete...

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The Combo That Preserves Your Precious Brain Cells

Jan 31, 2022

As you age, your brain gradually undergoes many changes...

The size of your brain starts to shrink, the amount of blood flow to it declines, the number of new brain cells (neurons) you produce drops,...

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How to Elicit Exquisite Peace of Mind On Demand

Apr 17, 2021

An interactive audio workshop with Jim Donovan



In this episode you'll discover:

How to use sound based vagus nerve stimulation exercises to bring your mind and body back into balance.

The ...

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The “Mind Release Switch” That Can Quiet Your Racing Thoughts

Mar 26, 2021

The ancient technique for peace of mind, any time

From time to time, I like to dedicate an article to answering questions from my readers. 


Here’s one I often get:


“Jim, my mind won’t ‘turn o...

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