Sound Health

Use Rhythm to Silence Your Anxious Bedtime Brain

Jan 31, 2022

If racing thoughts stand in the way of you and a satisfying night of deep, restorative sleep, I can relate. It used to happen to me every single night.

I’d lie awake as to-do lists,...

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The Combo That Preserves Your Precious Brain Cells

Jan 31, 2022

As you age, your brain gradually undergoes many changes...

The size of your brain starts to shrink, the amount of blood flow to it declines, the number of new brain cells (neurons) you produce...

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Johns Hopkins Recommends Sound-Based Strategies for Lung Recovery

Jan 24, 2022

Lung health is on everyone’s mind these days, and rightfully so.

And ever since the pandemic began, I’ve been on the lookout for things you can do at home to both protect and...

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Six of These Per Minute Can Improve Heart Health

Jan 18, 2022

Lately I’ve come across a lot of research touting the heart benefits of a specific technique that’s seemingly taking the alternative health world by storm…

A technique that...

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Give Your Body an All-Natural "Reboot"

Jan 17, 2022

by Jim Donovan, M.Ed.

If you ignore your computer when it starts acting strange, chances are, something is going to stop working soon. The same goes for your health—especially your nervous...

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How to Boost Your "Life Molecule" and Get 15x the Protection Against Viruses

Jan 16, 2022

During the 2014 SARS outbreak, a specific chemical helped treat some of the most severe cases of the virus.

Now, international researchers are currently conducting trials to see if this...

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Johns Hopkins Recommends Sound-Based Strategies to Aid in COVID-19 Recovery

Jan 03, 2022

Lung health is on everyone’s mind these days, rightfully so.

And ever since the pandemic began, I’ve been on the lookout for things you can do at home to both protect and strengthen...

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PODCAST: The Science of Feeling Safe with Polyvagal Theory - Dr. Stephen Porges

Nov 23, 2021

Receive unlimited access to my entire library of vagus nerve stimulation exercises and sound based wellness courses for less than $9/mo! 

 Simply click here to...

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1 Random Act of Kindness, 1x Per Week, for 1 Month... Who's In?

Nov 17, 2021

Here’s Something Worth Spreading... 

Just last week, a complete stranger made my day.

I was waiting in line at the drive-through of my local coffee shop. And to be honest, I was feeling...

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Is Stress Shrinking Your Brain?

Nov 17, 2021

The "brain dangers" of de-prioritizing yourself—and what to do about it

Between work, your family, and the other priorities in your life, some days you might feel like your “tank is on...

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